Raniero Stasio

I bought an oven from Jay in 2008 and 12 years later he helped me fix it not asking for a penny and giving me very good tips on how to fix it effectively. I could not have got the same advice from anyone else. His customer care is fantastic and beyond what I would expect from anyone. I would definitely recommend him to anyone who wants to buy an oven. I also know for sure his pizza ovens are good. Mine lasted 12 years and with some relatively small repairs, I expect it to last at least another 12 years. Finally, I’m so impressed by the new models! They look amazing

Raniero Stasio

Last year I purchased from Jay at Dingley Dell a Mobile Pizza Oven. Jay fitted this to a trailer for me and was very happy to produce a product to my specifications, an oven that was clearly visible and not one clad and covered in a catering unit, this has proved a good draw, and…


Our journey with Jay began in early 2018. We came across Bushman ovens after weeks of researching pizza ovens and contacted Jay, shortly after we arranged a consultation, we debated whether or not it was worth driving the 3 hours to Worcester… it most certainly was! We arrived with our notes and full of ideas…


After only 5 weeks, this week my weekly revenue from pizzas from my Dingley Dell wood-fired oven, exceeded the TOTAL COST of the oven and Total Installation Costs. It has also generated higher revenue than ‘Booze’. We are selling in excess of 60+ pizzas (per day and increasing) with a GP in excess of 80%.


The story of our pizza business started about 15 years ago when my wife Liz, and I decided that there must be more to life than the daily grind of 9 to 5 (being a teacher, it was never that straightforward anyway). We started catering at friends’ weddings and other events, set up a supper…